MIDI Scanned Synthesis in Csound
MIDI Scanned Synthesis
In the spirit of Csound and open source software, I present my most refined standalone MIDI scanned synthesis Keyboard .csd.
This instrument will work with any MIDI controller or sequencer. If you check out Andreas Russo's article about how to set up Csound MIDI with any DAW. This instrument will work with Andreas'configuration, and you'll be MIDI sequencing with scanned synthesis in no time!
nchnls = 2
sr = 44100
ksmps = 128
0dbfs = 1
#define MATRIX #"circularstring-128"#
; Parameter CC#
#define ATTACK # 17 #
#define DECAY # 18 #
#define SUSTAIN # 19 #
#define RELEASE # 20 #
#define FILTER # 21 #
#define RESONANCE # 22 #
#define SUBSINE # 23 #
#define CENTERING # 24 #
#define DAMPING # 25 #
#define STEREOOFFSET # 26 #
#define RATE # 1 #
gipos ftgen 1, 0, 128 , 10, 1
gifnvel ftgen 6, 0, 128 , -7, 0, 128, 0.1
gifnmass ftgen 2, 0, 128 , -7, 1, 128, 1
gifnstif ftgen 3, 0, 16384, -23, $MATRIX.
gifncentr ftgen 4, 0, 128 , -7, 1, 128, 2
gifndamp ftgen 5, 0, 128 , -7, 1, 128, 1
gifntraj ftgen 7, 0, 128, -5, .001, 128, 128.
gifnsine ftgen 8, 0, 8192, 10, 1
turnon 2;Reverb instrument
#include "smartBalance.udo"
gkatt init .005
gkdec init .005
gksus init 1
gkrel init .002
gksin init .5
gkcentr init .1
gkdamp init -.01
gkstof init 0
gkfco init 100000
gkrez init .2
gkrate init .007
ctrlinit 1, $ATTACK, 3
ctrlinit 1, $DECAY, 3
ctrlinit 1, $SUSTAIN, 127
ctrlinit 1, $RELEASE, 1
ctrlinit 1, $SUBSINE, 64
ctrlinit 1, $CENTERING, 2
ctrlinit 1, $DAMPING, 0
ctrlinit 1, $STEREOOFFSET, 0
ctrlinit 1, $RATE, 64
ctrlinit 1, $FILTER, 64
ctrlinit 1, $RESONANCE, 10
instr 1
gkatt midic7 $ATTACK , .0051 , 2
gkdec midic7 $DECAY , .0051 ,2
gksus midic7 $SUSTAIN , .0051 ,1
gkrel midic7 $RELEASE , .002 , 2
gksin midic7 $SUBSINE , 0 , 1
gkcentr midic7 $CENTERING, 0 , .10
gkdamp midic7 $DAMPING , -.11 , 0
gkstof midic7 $STEREOOFFSET , 0 , .1
gkfco midic7 $FILTER , 100 , 10000 , gifntraj
gkrez midic7 $RESONANCE , 0 , .7
gkrate midic7 $RATE , .001 , .04
ain = 0
istif ampmidi 1;
imass ampmidi 2 ;
iamp ampmidi ampdb(75)/32767;
kcps cpsmidib 2 ;
iatt = i (gkatt)
idec = i (gkdec)
islev = i (gksus)
irel = i (gkrel)
aenv mxadsr iatt+.02, idec+.01, islev+.01, irel+.01 ;;
a2 oscil iamp, kcps, gifnsine;
irate = i(gkrate)
kmass = 1
kstif = 0.1
ileft = 0
iright = 1
kpos = 0
kstrngth = 0
ain = 0
idisp = 0
id = 22
scanu gipos, irate, gifnvel, gifnmass, \
gifnstif, gifncentr, gifndamp, kmass, \
kstif, gkcentr, gkdamp, ileft, iright,\
kpos, kstrngth, ain, idisp, id
a1 scans iamp, kcps,gifntraj, id, 4
a1 smartBalance a1, a2, iatt+.2
id2 = 23
scanu gipos, irate, gifnvel, gifnmass, \
gifnstif, gifncentr, gifndamp, kmass, \
kstif, gkcentr+gkstof, gkdamp, ileft, iright,\
kpos, kstrngth, ain, idisp, id2
a3 scans iamp, kcps,gifntraj, id2, 4
a3 smartBalance a3, a2, iatt+.2
asine upsamp gksin;
aoutleft = a1*aenv + a2*aenv*asine
aoutright = a3*aenv + a2*aenv*asine
gaoutleft moogvcf2 aoutleft, gkfco, gkrez;
gaoutright moogvcf2 aoutright, gkfco, gkrez;
outs gaoutleft,gaoutright;
; outs a2, a2
instr 2
arevL, arevR reverbsc gaoutleft,gaoutright, .3, 18000
kthresh = 0
kloknee = 40
khiknee = 60
kratio = 2
katt = 0.1
krel = .5
ilook = .02
arevL compress arevL, gaoutleft, kthresh, kloknee,\
khiknee, kratio, katt, krel, ilook
arevR compress arevR, gaoutright, kthresh, kloknee,\
khiknee, kratio, katt, krel, ilook
outs arevL, arevR
f0 360000;
} nchnls = 2
sr = 44100
ksmps = 128
0dbfs = 1
#define MATRIX #"circularstring-128"#
; Parameter CC#
#define ATTACK # 17 #
#define DECAY # 18 #
#define SUSTAIN # 19 #
#define RELEASE # 20 #
#define FILTER # 21 #
#define RESONANCE # 22 #
#define SUBSINE # 23 #
#define CENTERING # 24 #
#define DAMPING # 25 #
#define STEREOOFFSET # 26 #
#define RATE # 1 #
gipos ftgen 1, 0, 128 , 10, 1
gifnvel ftgen 6, 0, 128 , -7, 0, 128, 0.1
gifnmass ftgen 2, 0, 128 , -7, 1, 128, 1
gifnstif ftgen 3, 0, 16384, -23, $MATRIX.
gifncentr ftgen 4, 0, 128 , -7, 1, 128, 2
gifndamp ftgen 5, 0, 128 , -7, 1, 128, 1
gifntraj ftgen 7, 0, 128, -5, .001, 128, 128.
gifnsine ftgen 8, 0, 8192, 10, 1
turnon 2;Reverb instrument
#include "smartBalance.udo"
gkatt init .005
gkdec init .005
gksus init 1
gkrel init .002
gksin init .5
gkcentr init .1
gkdamp init -.01
gkstof init 0
gkfco init 100000
gkrez init .2
gkrate init .007
ctrlinit 1, $ATTACK, 3
ctrlinit 1, $DECAY, 3
ctrlinit 1, $SUSTAIN, 127
ctrlinit 1, $RELEASE, 1
ctrlinit 1, $SUBSINE, 64
ctrlinit 1, $CENTERING, 2
ctrlinit 1, $DAMPING, 0
ctrlinit 1, $STEREOOFFSET, 0
ctrlinit 1, $RATE, 64
ctrlinit 1, $FILTER, 64
ctrlinit 1, $RESONANCE, 10
instr 1
gkatt midic7 $ATTACK , .0051 , 2
gkdec midic7 $DECAY , .0051 ,2
gksus midic7 $SUSTAIN , .0051 ,1
gkrel midic7 $RELEASE , .002 , 2
gksin midic7 $SUBSINE , 0 , 1
gkcentr midic7 $CENTERING, 0 , .10
gkdamp midic7 $DAMPING , -.11 , 0
gkstof midic7 $STEREOOFFSET , 0 , .1
gkfco midic7 $FILTER , 100 , 10000 , gifntraj
gkrez midic7 $RESONANCE , 0 , .7
gkrate midic7 $RATE , .001 , .04
ain = 0
istif ampmidi 1;
imass ampmidi 2 ;
iamp ampmidi ampdb(75)/32767;
kcps cpsmidib 2 ;
iatt = i (gkatt)
idec = i (gkdec)
islev = i (gksus)
irel = i (gkrel)
aenv mxadsr iatt+.02, idec+.01, islev+.01, irel+.01 ;;
a2 oscil iamp, kcps, gifnsine;
irate = i(gkrate)
kmass = 1
kstif = 0.1
ileft = 0
iright = 1
kpos = 0
kstrngth = 0
ain = 0
idisp = 0
id = 22
scanu gipos, irate, gifnvel, gifnmass, \
gifnstif, gifncentr, gifndamp, kmass, \
kstif, gkcentr, gkdamp, ileft, iright,\
kpos, kstrngth, ain, idisp, id
a1 scans iamp, kcps,gifntraj, id, 4
a1 smartBalance a1, a2, iatt+.2
id2 = 23
scanu gipos, irate, gifnvel, gifnmass, \
gifnstif, gifncentr, gifndamp, kmass, \
kstif, gkcentr+gkstof, gkdamp, ileft, iright,\
kpos, kstrngth, ain, idisp, id2
a3 scans iamp, kcps,gifntraj, id2, 4
a3 smartBalance a3, a2, iatt+.2
asine upsamp gksin;
aoutleft = a1*aenv + a2*aenv*asine
aoutright = a3*aenv + a2*aenv*asine
gaoutleft moogvcf2 aoutleft, gkfco, gkrez;
gaoutright moogvcf2 aoutright, gkfco, gkrez;
outs gaoutleft,gaoutright;
; outs a2, a2
instr 2
arevL, arevR reverbsc gaoutleft,gaoutright, .3, 18000
kthresh = 0
kloknee = 40
khiknee = 60
kratio = 2
katt = 0.1
krel = .5
ilook = .02
arevL compress arevL, gaoutleft, kthresh, kloknee,\
khiknee, kratio, katt, krel, ilook
arevR compress arevR, gaoutright, kthresh, kloknee,\
khiknee, kratio, katt, krel, ilook
outs arevL, arevR
f0 360000;
To run this instrument you have to keep the .csd in the same folder as its helper files, circularstring-128 and smartBalance.udo. The download unzips ready to go.
If you copy and the paste the code and try to run the code, it will give you errors.
This instrument has 11 continuous controls, where you can map midi knobs to scanned synthesis controls, ADSR, a filter, and a sub oscillator. This instrument, by default, responds to MIDI Channel 1.
; Parameter CC#
#define ATTACK # 17 #
#define DECAY # 18 #
#define SUSTAIN # 19 #
#define RELEASE # 20 #
#define FILTER # 21 #
#define RESONANCE # 22 #
#define SUBSINE # 23 #
#define CENTERING # 24 #
#define DAMPING # 25 #
#define STEREOOFFSET # 26 #
#define RATE # 1 #
The rest of this article gets progressively more technical, you have enough so far to start making music with scanned synthesis.
If you're an expert on scanned syntheis. You can edit the Profiles in this block-
gipos ftgen 1, 0, 128 , 10, 1
gifnvel ftgen 6, 0, 128 , -7, 0, 128, 0.1
gifnmass ftgen 2, 0, 128 , -7, 1, 128, 1
gifnstif ftgen 3, 0, 16384, -23, $MATRIX.
gifncentr ftgen 4, 0, 128 , -7, 1, 128, 2
gifndamp ftgen 5, 0, 128 , -7, 1, 128, 1
gifntraj ftgen 7, 0, 128, -5, .001, 128, 128.
gifnsine ftgen 8, 0, 8192, 10, 1
If you want to turn off the reverb, comment out the following line
turnon 2
The reverb is pretty nice, though. It uses Sean Costello's waveguide reverb opcode.
The signal going to Sean's opcode is put through an expander so that the louder dynamics reverberate more than softer dynamics.
Then the reverb is ducked by the dry signal, so that the reverb doesn't get in the way of the dry sound.
instr 2
arevL, arevR reverbsc gaoutleft,gaoutright, .3,\
kthresh = 0
kloknee = 40
khiknee = 60
kratio = 2
katt = 0.1
krel = .5
ilook = .02
arevL compress arevL, gaoutleft, kthresh,\
kloknee,khiknee, kratio, katt, krel, ilook
arevR compress arevR, gaoutright, kthresh,\
kloknee,khiknee, kratio, katt, krel, ilook
outs arevL, arevR
The next lines import a user defined opcode, a way of encapsulating code for easy re-use.
#include "smartBalance.udo"
Read more about this UDO here
In order to use Csound with MIDI, you have to initialize not only the MIDI controls
ctrlinit 1, $ATTACK, 3
ctrlinit 1, $DECAY, 3
ctrlinit 1, $SUSTAIN, 127
ctrlinit 1, $RELEASE, 1
ctrlinit 1, $SUBSINE, 64
ctrlinit 1, $CENTERING, 2
ctrlinit 1, $DAMPING, 0
ctrlinit 1, $STEREOOFFSET, 0
ctrlinit 1, $RATE, 64
ctrlinit 1, $FILTER, 64
ctrlinit 1, $RESONANCE, 10
, but also you have to initialize the global variables used by the instrument, or the model(if you're thinking Model-View-Controller).
gkatt init .005
gkdec init .005
gksus init 1
gkrel init .002
gksin init .5
gkcentr init .1
gkdamp init -.01
gkstof init 0
gkfco init 100000
gkrez init .2
gkrate init .007
Ah so lets get to the instrument, here's where we actually read the values from the MIDI controller.
instr 1
gkatt midic7 $ATTACK , .0051 , 2
gkdec midic7 $DECAY , .0051 ,2
gksus midic7 $SUSTAIN , .0051 ,1
gkrel midic7 $RELEASE , .002 , 2
gksin midic7 $SUBSINE , 0 , 1
gkcentr midic7 $CENTERING, 0 , .10
gkdamp midic7 $DAMPING , -.11 , 0
gkstof midic7 $STEREOOFFSET , 0 , .1
gkfco midic7 $FILTER , 100 , 10000 , gifntraj
gkrez midic7 $RESONANCE , 0 , .7
gkrate midic7 $RATE , .001 , .04
This instrument does not use audio injection so we set the required ain variable to 0
ain = 0
The mass and stiffness of the scanned system is influenced by MIDI velocity.
istif ampmidi 1;
imass ampmidi 2 ;
Also, MIDI key velocity should have an effect on overall amplitude.
iamp ampmidi ampdb(75)/32767;
Lets get pitch from the key, with pitchbend.
kcps cpsmidib 2 ;
if you want to change the range of the pitch bend in semitones, you edit this line. Default is 2 semitones.
The lines below generate our ADSR envelope to be applied to the signal later. Notice the MIDI control of ADSR values.
iatt = i (gkatt) ; A
idec = i (gkdec) ; D
islev = i (gksus) ; S
irel = i (gkrel) ; R
aenv mxadsr iatt+.02,idec+.01,islev+.01,irel+.01
The next lines generate a sub oscillator tone
a2 oscil iamp, kcps, gifnsine;
If you wish to change the flavor of sub oscillator tone, (maybe you'd prefer a Sawtooth wave), edit this line of code, found back in the header with the profiles
gifnsine ftgen 8, 0, 8192, 10, 1
The next lines set up Paris Smaragdis' opcode scans. There are a total of 2 scanned oscillators, for stereo manipulation. This is the first one.
irate = i(gkrate)
kmass = 1
kstif = 0.1
ileft = 0
iright = 1
kpos = 0
kstrngth = 0
ain = 0
idisp = 0
id = 22
scanu gipos, irate, gifnvel, gifnmass, \
gifnstif, gifncentr, gifndamp, kmass, \
kstif, gkcentr, gkdamp, ileft, iright,\
kpos, kstrngth, ain, idisp, id
I tired to keep the same variable naming scheme for scanu as the Csound manual entry.
Now that our scanned wave is set up, lets scan it!
a1 scans iamp, kcps,gifntraj, id, 4
we can edit scan trajectories in this line back in the profile header
gifntraj ftgen 7, 0, 128, -5, .001, 128, 128.
Replacing this line with
gifntraj ftgen 7, 0, 128, -7, 0, 128, 128.
is a quick hack to get a different sound.
our next line in the instrument calls the definition of the smart balance .udo I discussed in one of my previous articles
a1 smartBalance a1, a2, iatt+.2
The next lines set up the second scanned oscillator
scanu gipos, irate, gifnvel, gifnmass, \
gifnstif, gifncentr, gifndamp, kmass, \
kstif, gkcentr+gkstof, gkdamp, ileft, iright,\
kpos, kstrngth, ain, idisp, id2
a3 scans iamp, kcps,gifntraj, id2, 4
except that now we have another variable gkstof in this part of the line
scanu gipos, irate, gifnvel, gifnmass, \
gifnstif, gifncentr, gifndamp, kmass, \
kstif, gkcentr+gkstof, gkdamp, ileft, iright,\
kpos, kstrngth, ain, idisp, id2
a3 scans iamp, kcps,gifntraj, id2, 4
gkstof sends a little bit more centering force to one of the oscillators, giving a stereo effect that is unique to scanned synthesis.
Next lets upsample our sub oscillator volume control and mix the sub oscillator with the scanned oscillators
asine upsamp gksin;
aoutleft = a1*aenv + a2*aenv*asine
aoutright = a3*aenv + a2*aenv*asine
at the final stage we apply Hans Mikelson and John Ffitch's opcode moogvcf, a warm filter with resonance.
gaoutleft moogvcf2 aoutleft, gkfco, gkrez;
gaoutright moogvcf2 aoutright, gkfco, gkrez;
and send our signal to the dac using the opcode outs. If you set up your configuration like Andrea's tutorial, then this is where the signal gets sent out to Soundflower, or JACK.
outs gaoutleft,gaoutright;
These are global variables so they can also be sent to the reverb instrument mentioned earlier in the article
Finally, this trick keeps Csound running for 360,000 seconds unless we quit, so that we can send Csound MIDI.
f0 360000;
This line ensures that the instrument is compatible with earlier versions of Csound. I think the newest Csound version doesn't need this line
f0 360000;
and will stay running if left blank until we quit Csound, but I like to keep it in there just in case someone has an old version.](\"http://www.tophersaunders.com/csd/ScanMIDI.zip\")